Thursday, June 6, 2013

Divine Wisdom + Earthly Parenting

There are literally dozens of things that I love about being a mom. All of the clichés about it are true - "being a mom is the best job in the world", "there's no love like a mother's love", etc. One particular, non-cliché thing about parenting though is this: my Heavenly Father reveals Himself in wonderful, unique ways every day through me taking care if baby B. I feel like He has taken into account that right now I am busier and less organized than I have ever been in my life, and therefore He has wisely, graciously, mercifully chosen to display His glory to me daily through the things I am busy with. 

One of my new tasks is taking Brooklyn to the doctor regularly and making sure she gets all of her shots when she is supposed to. This is not fun. The last time we went she had to get a shot in each thigh and, believe me, she was not happy about it. She went from smiling to bright red-faced silent screaming in about half a second each time. Then I cried because my poor baby was so unhappy (Chris found that amusing, ha.) I picked her up immediately and rocked her and she quieted and was happy again after a pretty short period of time. I didn't like seeing her in pain from the shots but I also know its much better for her I feel the pain of a quick shot than it is for her to get something like measles or whooping cough. So I let her experience the pain of the shot and make sure that I'm right there to comfort her while she deals with that trauma. Isn't that so like our Father, though? How He let's us endure some hardships that we hate, things that make us cry out in pain/anger/frustration, etc. But He doesn't stop them, doesn't take them away.  Just like I am wiser and smarter than Brooklyn (for now), God is wiser and smarter than me. He has a plan, a reason for every bit of discomfort we go through in life. Nothing is accidental or out of His control, nothing is unnecessary. And when we're struggling He is always right there, ready and waiting to comfort us. This comfort is not the same as taking away the pain - but it reminds us of His love and constant presence. It soothes our soul in a way nothing else, not even the removal of the trial, could do. 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11

May I be faithful to remember these lessons, teach them to my children and, above all, learn to rejoice in every circumstance.

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