Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dear Baby B... Part 1

We're one month (28 days) away from your due-date. Not so secretly, I hope we're actually closer to 14 or 21 days away from your arrival.  I feel like the past 8 months have flown - but now time is slowing down. I'm so ready for you to be here. So is your daddy - he's been ready even longer than I have been. "I feel like I'm at the starting line for a big race and no one will blow the whistle for it to start," he tells me - and has been telling me for about two or three months now. He's going to love you to pieces and spoil you like every daddy should, and I can't wait to see him at it. You're one lucky little girl!

Your room is ready for you - I've even put things up on the walls and color coordinated all the decorations! Your clothes are all washed, folded and sorted into drawers by size. I hope you're little because you have the cutest collection of 3 month clothes I've ever seen. We just bought the last "must-have" before you arrive - your car seat! I want to go get it professionally put in the car, but we'll see if daddy lets me. He seemed a little offended when I suggested doing that.... He man. He put together crib (perfectly!) and install car seat. I woman. I worry about nursery colors and making actual baby.

I can't wait to dress you up and take your pictures and let people ooh and aah over how cute you are. I can't wait to see you! I know you'll have blue eyes, since your daddy and I both do, but what color will your hair be? Will you have curls like me or straight hair like your daddy? (Well, we actually probably won't know that until your first or second birthday, given that your dad and I were both bald babies... sorry sweetie!) And I can't wait to get to know you - will you sleep well like I did, or be curious like your daddy and never want to sleep? I can't wait to snuggle with you, even at 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. I'm so excited to learn your cries and coos and noises. I don't know the answers to any of those questions, I just know that God has designed the perfect little baby for us! You'll be just what we've always wanted and needed in our first child. That is without doubt or question, since God is in control of it all.

What your Aunt Kristen has been telling me all along (we're so thankful for her - I would have gone crazy without her to badger and ask about every little thing this pregnancy!) is proving true. I'm getting so anxious to meet you and so uncomfortable (don't worry, I forgive you already) that the thought of labor doesn't phase me anymore. Whatever it takes to bring you into this world, that's A-OK with me. I'll do it. So hurry up, OK, my little one?

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